Yoshimoto Collection

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Specimen Overview

Specimen ID NSMT-M 32206
Collection Database of Specimens
and Materials of National Museum of
Nature and Science, Japan
English Vernacular Name Bontebok
Scientific Name Damaliscus pygargus Kawada et al., 2021
Specimen Type Taxidermy specimen
Collection Institution National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan
Size of Bounding Box
Length of front and back 1634 mm
Width 627 mm
Height 1439 mm

* The size of the bounding box circumscribed to the 3D model is measured, and a hyphen-only value (-) indicates unmeasured.

3D Model Viewer

  • Texture of 3D Model
    • Some 3D model textures reflect the color of the green background used in the scan.
    • The texture resolution of the 3D model has been reduced to allow viewing on a wide range of devices.
      Please click the following link to view the 3D model in its original resolution. Sketchfab
  • Camera Move
    • For smartphones/tablets/touch panels, one-finger drag to rotate, two-finger drag to move horizontally and vertically, pinch out to zoom in, and pinch in to zoom out.
    • For a PC with a mouse, left button drag to rotate, Shift key + left button drag to move horizontally and vertically, and spin the mouse wheel/Ctrl key + left button drag to zoom in and out.
    • Double-tap/double-click anywhere on the 3D model to set the center of camera rotation at that location. Double-tap/double-click on the background to reset the center of camera rotation to the center of the viewer window.
  • Lighting Move
    • For smartphones/tablets/touch panels, three-finger drag to rotate.
    • For a PC with a mouse, Alt key + left button drag to rotate.
  • Annotations
    • Click/tap the number on the 3D model to display the annotation.

See also Sketchfab Help Center Link

Names of Taxa

Kingdom Animalia S-Net
Phylum Chordata S-Net
Class Mammalia S-Net
Order Artiodactyla Kawada et al., 2021
Family Bovidae Kawada et al., 2021
Genus Damaliscus Kawada et al., 2021


Location data (mainly sampled or observed locations of organisms)
on GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) GBIF Web site
Scientific Name on GBIF GBIF
English Vernacular Name on GBIF GBIF
Year Range GBIF
Number of Occurrences GBIF

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
Redlist Category IUCN Web site

Scientific Name on IUCN Redlist Damaliscus pygargus IUCN
English Vernacular Name on IUCN Redlist Blesbok IUCN
Redlist Category Least Concern (LC) IUCN
  • Not Evaluated
  • Data Deficient
  • Least Concern
  • Near Threatened

  • Vulnerable

  • Endangered
  • Critically Endangered
  • Extinct in the Wild

  • Extinct
Population Trend Increasing IUCN
Assessment Date 2017-11-20 IUCN
Published Year 2019 IUCN

Specimen Details

Verbatim Specimen ID WTY_206
Collection Date 1979-07
Scientific Name Damaliscus pygargus Kawada et al., 2021
English Vernacular Name Bontebok
Collection Country SOUTH AFRICA
Collection Locality Zululand, Cape Province, Natal, Transvaal, SOUTH AFRICA (REPUBLIC)
Collection Name Yoshimoto Collection

Species Information

Information on ASM (American Society of Mammalogists) Mammal Diversity Database MDD Web site

Scientific Name on MDD Damaliscus pygargus MDD
English Vernacular Name on MDD Bontebok MDD
Synonym(s) of English Vernacular Name on MDD Blesbok MDD
Locality of Type Specimen on MDD Cape of Good Hope. Restricted by Bigalke in 1948 to Swart River, near Caledon. MDD

Information on Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition MSW3 Web site

Scientific Name on MSW3 Damaliscus pygargus MSW3
Locality of Type Specimen on MDW3 No locality. Since restricted to South Africa, Western Cape Prov., Caledon, Swart River (Bigalke, 1948). MSW3

Information on Animal Diversity Web ADW Web site

via Encyclopedia of Life EoL Web site

Scientific Name on ADW Damaliscus pygargus ADW EoL
Habitat grassland, temperate, terrestrial ADW EoL
Sexual Dimorphism male larger ADW EoL

3D Model Information

Photo taken in 2022
Created by Kent MORI Link
Number of Polygons (K) 100
Publication Platform Sketchfab Link


  • Kawada et al., 2021 Kawada S., Iwasa M., Fukui D., Shintaku Y., Amano M., Shimoinaba, S., Taru. S., Anezaki, T., Suzuki, S., Oshida T., and Yokohata Y. 2021. The List of Standard Japanese Names of World Mammals. The Mammal Society of Japan, https://www.mammalogy.jp/list/index.html (accessed 2021-12-28).
  • S-Net National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan. 2024. Science Museum Net Record 4714032. Science Museum Net, http://science-net.kahaku.go.jp/specimen/4714032 (accessed 2024-03-24).
  • GBIF
  • IUCN Dalton, D., Birss, C., Cowell, C., Gaylard, A., Kotze, A., Parrini, F., Peinke, D., Radloff, F. & Viljoen, P. 2019. Damaliscus pygargus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T30208A50197331. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-1.RLTS.T30208A50197331.en (accessed 2024-10-23).
  • MDD Mammal Diversity Database. 2022. Mammal Diversity Database (Version 1.8) [Data set]. Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4139818 (accessed 2022-02-28).
  • MSW3 Wilson, D. E. & Reeder, D. M. (editors). 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed), Johns Hopkins University Press, 2,142 pp.
  • ADW Csomos, R. 2001. "Damaliscus pygargus" (On-line). Animal Diversity Web, https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Damaliscus_pygargus/ (accessed 2024-10-24).
  • EoL Encyclopedia of Life. 2024. Page 308532. Encyclopedia of Life, https://eol.org/pages/308532 (accessed 2024-10-24).

Overview of Each Dataset

  • Kawada et al., 2021 The List of Standard Japanese Names of World Mammals (Kawada et al., 2021) is a list of "standard Japanese names" maintained by The Mammal Society of Japan, which includes Japanese names, scientific names, and notations in other species name lists.
  • S-Net S-Net (Science Museum Net) is a database that collects information on natural history specimens held by natural history museums in Japan.
  • GBIF GBIF (the Global Biodiversity Information Facility) is an international network and data infrastructure funded by the world's governments and aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth, primarily through a web database.
  • IUCN IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is an international conservation network that publishes the Red List, a list of endangered wildlife species, and a database on them.
  • MDD MDD (Mammal Diversity Database) is a species list compiled by the American Society of Mammalogists that provides taxonomic and biodiversity information on mammals. The following MSW3 and other information has been revised.
  • MSW3 MSW3 (Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition) is a database of mammalian taxa used as a reference for taxonomic research. It is also referenced by Kawada et al. (2021) and MDD above.
  • ADW ADW (Animal Diversity Web) is a database of the natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology of animals, and aims to provide information as an online encyclopedia and virtual museum.
  • EoL EoL (Encyclopedia of Life) is a database that collects and organizes wildlife information from various databases and adds descriptions by experts. EoL aims to be a portal where information on all living organisms can be collected from this site alone.